Myriam Darmé is a French flautist, active chamber musician, renowned pedagogue, show producer and author of many publications for her instrument. She began the flute at the Metz Regional Conservatory before continuing her studies at the Conservatory of Epinal, distinguishing herself in competitions. In addition to her Flute Performance degree, she holds a Music Teacher State Diploma (DE Professeur de Flûte) as well as Conducting, Arrangement and Music Edition diplomas.

Before choosing to devote herself exclusively to music, she studied to become a state certified midwife and later a family counsellor, working many years in the delivery room and as a therapist. Currently a flute teacher and pedagogical coordinator at several music schools in Gironde, she has over two decades of experience teaching music. She has also created and produced a dozen musical and mixed shows over the course of her career.

Passionate about pedagogy, she is constantly looking for new ways to educate aspiring musicians, by writing didactic works, arranging new pieces to expand her instrument’s repertoire, or developing outreach musical activities. The numerous pieces she penned, spanning from solo flute to chamber music ensembles and orchestra scores, are published by Profs Edition and SMP Press.

Besides the Western concert flute, Myriam regularly performs on an impressive array of 19 traditional flutes from different continents, 8 Western flutes (from bass to piccolo, including historical instruments such as the baroque Traversos) and 5 recorders (from bass to sopranino).